- エアコンを清潔{せいけつ}に保って[常にきれいにして]病気{びょうき}を引き起こす[の原因{げんいん}となる]細菌{さいきん}[バクテリア]やかびを防ぐ
keep the air conditioner clean to prevent disease-causing bacteria and mold 意味
- "keep the accelerator down" 意味
- "keep the accent on simplicity" 意味
- "keep the administration in power" 意味
- "keep the ailing economy from getting weaker" 意味
- "keep the air conditioner at its coldest possible setting" 意味
- "keep the air conditioner roaring all day" 意味
- "keep the air free of dust" 意味
- "keep the air of mystery" 意味
- "keep the air-conditioning on" 意味
- "keep the ailing economy from getting weaker" 意味
- "keep the air conditioner at its coldest possible setting" 意味
- "keep the air conditioner roaring all day" 意味
- "keep the air free of dust" 意味